·      Mental Health Proficiency Curriculum

      Development and facilitation of a 9 volume

      training binder for teachers/clinicians,

      2003- 2005


·      Mental Health Experience

      Workshop for Teachers


·      Safety and Violence Prevention Curriculum

      Coordination with ODE, ESCs, and the Network to

      train trainers in 53locations in Ohio, 2007-2009


·      Eliminating Barriers to Learning:

·      Social and Emotional Factors that

      Enhance Secondary Education  

      Trained the Trainer regionally, 2005


·      Family Engagement: Creating Resilience

·      Through Better Partnerships Training 2011    


·      OMHNSS Technical Assistance Project

      Coordinated 3 TA Teams and Managed 2 TA Days

      focused on School Family Community Partnerships

      and Family Engagement.2009-2011


·      Coordinated Mental Health Tracks for

      2 Conferences  

      Coordinated School Health Conference and Focusing

      on Youth Issues  Conference , 2010.


·      Presented See Me Hear My Feelings at the

      Advancing School Mental Health Conference in

      Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2010