Youth Initiatives

·      See Me Hear My Feelings

      Campaign Development and Management

      Ohio wide campaign includes school posters and

      bookmarks, youth friendly website, Mental 

      Health Experience Workshop for Teachers,

      Mental Wellness Translator CD for schools.



·      Ohio Youth Speaker Corps

      Trained youth with testimony development about

      mental illness 2003-2006.


·      Archiving Resilience through

      Youth Testimony

      Facilitating partnerships between the Network, an

      archivist, Mental Health America, Center for

      Innovative Practices, and the Ohio Suicide

     Prevention Foundation to archive resilience

      through youth testimony in the state. 2008-2010


·      Healthy Supported Students Statehouse Day

      Managed the Youth Rally, youth participation, and

      youth artwork portion of the day, 2009


·      Youth NOW Initiative, OSBHCA

      Youth Networks of Wellness development in Ohio

      Health Centers includes youth engagement to

      participate in a Statehouse Advocacy Day. 2010


Collaborations~Partnerships~Special Projects


·      Shared Agenda Initiative: Mental Health,

      Schools and Families

Sponsored and hosted a regional forum and

Statehouse legislative forum. 2003


·      Ohio Mental Health Network

·       for School Success

Policy Development and Advocacy, Effective

Practice Registry, Network Leadership

representation and statewide coordination,



·      Coordinated School Health/ Comprehensive

      Learning Supports Project

Coordinated Network and ODE involvement with

SPCHEO/BHSA conference support



·      Healthy Supported Students for Academic

     Success  Statehouse Day

Managed the Youth Rally, youth participation,

and  youth artwork portion of the day, 2009


·      Gold Standard Collaboration,

4- County Collaboration around Health and

Wellness related to ODEs Coordinated School

Health Initiative, 2009


·      Youth NOW Initiative, OSBHCA

Youth Networks of Wellness development in Ohio

Health Centers includes youth advisory

councils and engagement of youth to participate

in a Statehouse Advocacy Day. 2010


·      Continuum for School Mental Health

·      Mapping Project
