á      Continuum for School Mental Health

      Mapping Project




á      See Me Hear My Feelings

      Campaign Development and Management

Ohio wide campaign includes school posters and

bookmarks, youth friendly website, Mental  

Health Experience Workshop for Teachers,

Mental Wellness Translator CD

for schools. 2003-2010



á      Strengthening Families for Recovery

      Resource Tool Kit

Developed and designed a complete statewide

Resource kit for 9 state hospital representing 88

counties of resources, 2006-2007



á      IBHS Product Line Brochure development

     for Ohio

Developed and designed 4 distinct Product Line

brochures for the state hospital

systems. 2006-2007


á      Shared Survey: Needs Assessment for

      Mental Health Services, booklet

 Facilitation of a survey to 154 schools in 7

 counties in north central Ohio. 2004-2006


á      Quality and Effective Practice Registry

Participated in review/interview of applicants

and provided web narrative, program

assistance and coordination, 2007-2011
